
No Jisus V2 till today!

Six days since the 10th of July!

Meanwhile I found this article:

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Van Der Led's WM2 cellphone is Slayer approved {Engadget}

Apr 27th 2008 4:43PM
Dont buy, I did and this is what they
came up with after some mail traffic why they don´t deliver.

Good day,

Thank you for your interest in Van Der Led and its products.

For the past few weeks we have been working very hard on our new mobile
watch phones (MW1, MW2), and the introduction around it, But at the same
time more technical problems came with it.
Because our server crashed, we lost every paypal order that we received by
email (and thus makes us unable to check out the order) and because of
this the delivery has been delayed for an unknown time.

We are an young company that is trying to introduce new and innovative
products to the world, we are also at this moment very understaffed as we
receive numerous emails. But because of bad luck we have received some
negative feedback from some of our customers.
We want to show our customers that we intend to do good business, so we
will give everyone the following options:

1. if you still want your ordered product, send an e-mail with information
about your order to Payment@vanderled.com. (we do not have the exact date
of delivery, but we are working hard on it.) . As a thank you gift, you
will receive an 2 GB Micro SD Card.


2. if you want your money back, you can send an e-mail with your
information and money back as subject to payment@vanderled.com.

We hope that this letter will give us both a chance to understand one
another better. We are very sorry for the inconvenience it has caused.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind Regards,
Van Der Led

The´ve got the money and now the´re postponing deliveries. Dont´t buy!!!!



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